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The Ultimate Guide to Primetime Appointments at SOLEX 2023

Are you planning on attending SOLEX 2023? As an outdoor leisure buyer, there's no doubt that you're looking to make the most out of this event by securing essential meetings with exhibitors and vendors. However, with so many attendees and limited time, it can be challenging to secure appointments with key exhibitors. Fortunately, SOLEX has the perfect solution –PRIMETIME Appointments system.

What is the PRIMETIME Appointments System?

Simply put, the PRIMETIME Appointments system is a scheduling tool that allows attendees to pre-book a meeting with SOLEX exhibitors before the event. This means that you can secure your appointment with your preferred exhibitors and avoid the hassle of trying to find them amidst the crowds.

To access this system, visit the SOLEX FLOOR PLAN via our website and select the exhibitor you want to meet with. From there, press the button bar at the top of their page for easy access to the calendar system. You can book in 30-minute blocks or extend if needed. Once confirmed, an email will be sent out to confirm your appointment.

What are the Benefits of Using the PRIMETIME Appointments System?

First and foremost, this system saves time and improves efficiency. Rather than wasting precious time at SOLEX searching for exhibitors and negotiating availability, you can pre-book your meetings and arrive at SOLEX with a clear schedule and plan.

Moreover, by securing appointments with exhibitors, you can ensure that you get the most out of your attendance at SOLEX. You can leverage your time to explore other areas of the event while knowing that your crucial business appointments are taken care of.

How to Use the PRIMETIME Appointments System Effectively?

To make the most out of this system, we recommend the following tips:

Plan ahead: Before making appointments, identify the exhibitors that are most important to you and prioritize them accordingly.

Be flexible: Keep in mind that some exhibitors may be in high demand and may not have availability at your preferred time. Have an open and flexible attitude while booking appointments and consider alternative times.

Allow buffer time: It's always good to allow some buffer time between appointments in case some appointments run over time or if there are last-minute changes.

What Else to Expect at SOLEX 2023?

While the PRIMETIME Appointments system is a great tool to make the most out of your time at SOLEX 2023, there are several other things to look forward to at this event. You can expect to see the latest and greatest products and innovations in outdoor leisure, hear from industry experts, and network with fellow industry professionals.

The PRIMETIME Appointments system at SOLEX 2023 is a game-changer for outdoor leisure buyers looking to make the most out of this event. By pre-booking appointments, you eliminate the stress and hassle of trying to find key exhibitors amidst the crowds and maximize your time at SOLEX 23.

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